Hi Sherzod, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m emailing you because I’m working on resolving conflicts caused by PAUSE now considering package names case insensitively. This has left us with some situations where two or more people are owners of namespaces previously considered distinct, and now considered the same.
Your Class-PObject defines packages VARCHAR, CHAR, INTEGER, TEXT, ENCRYPT, and MD5. These are classes defined in Class::PObject::Template, just as subclasses of the relevant Class::PObject::Type::<type> class. In general, a distribution should keep package names within its own namespace. But beyond that, your permissions on the TEXT package clashes with AKHOBOV’s ownership of the “Text” package. There are several ways to resolve this: 1. You could tell PAUSE not to index these special classes, since they’re only used in PObject/Template.pm 2. You could change the code in Template.pm to directly use the Class::PObject::Type::<typename> classes 3. You could delete the distribution from CPAN entirely, if you’re no longer interested in maintaining it. I can see from the CPAN Testers result matrix that it doesn’t work on a lot of recent versions of Perl: http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=Class-PObject+2.17 The first option is the simplest for you to do: just change the package line: package TEXT; to this: # breaking the line hides it from PAUSE’s indexer package TEXT; Then PAUSE won’t see the package. If you do that, then I’ll be able to drop the permissions on all of those packages (VARCHAR, CHAR, INTEGER, TEXT, ENCRYPT, and MD5). Please let me know which way you’d like to resolve this? PAUSE doesn’t let situations like this occur any more, so I’m resolving the remaining cases. Cheers, Neil