Hi again Alexey, > I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m working on resolving conflicts caused by > PAUSE now considering package names case insensitively. This has left us with > some situations where two or more people are owners of namespaces previously > considered distinct, and now considered the same. > > You have ownership of the “Text” namespace, which is used for the Text > package which is defined and used within your > Business::OnlinePayment::SurePay module. This now clashes with the TEXT > module, which is owned by user SHERZODR. > > To resolve this conflict, the easiest change would be to rename the package > from “Text” to Business::OnlinePayment::SurePay::Text, which is the usual way > to name internal packages. > > Or there is another option: I noticed that this module doesn’t work on any > version of Perl released in roughly the last 15 years: > http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=Business-OnlinePayment-SurePay+0.01 > So another option would be to just delete this from CPAN and then drop your > permissions on the relevant namespaces. > > Would you be happy to do one of these please? If you’re not interested in > maintaining this module any, are you ok for me to do this on your behalf?
Have you had a chance to look at this and think about which approach you’d like to take? In addition to the suggestions above, you could just “hide” the Text package from PAUSE, by changing the line: package Text; to package Text; Then I could drop your permissions on the Text namespace. Cheers, Neil