Hi all, I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m emailing you because I’m working on resolving conflicts caused by PAUSE now considering package names case insensitively. This has left us with some situations where two or more people are owners of namespaces previously considered distinct, and now considered the same.
One such case is the conflict between I18N::String (which BABF owns, and DRTECH has co-maint on) and i18n::string (owned by AUDREYT, and four others have co-maint). To resolve this, one of the package names needs to either be removed from CPAN, or marked for non indexing. The immediately obvious options I can see are: 1. The I18N-String distribution doesn’t appear to install on recent versions of Perl, or on many older Perls either. See: http://matrix.cpantesters.org/?dist=I18N-String So maybe the distribution can be deleted from CPAN and I drop drop the permissions? I notice that the module name has been marked for HANDOFF as well. 2. The i18n::string package is a “cuckoo package” defined in i18n.pm, in the i18n distribution. Given the public interface for i18n, I think it would be fine to hide the i18n::string from PAUSE (or you could rename it, of course). Audrey, would you be happy to do a release, changing the package lines to: package i18n::string; package i18n::var; PAUSE doesn’t let situations like this occur any more — I’m working through the historical cases, resolving conflicts. Cheers, Neil