Hi Sam and Michael,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins. I’m emailing you because I’m working on resolving 
conflicts caused by PAUSE now considering package names case insensitively. 
This has left us with some situations where two or more people are owners of 
namespaces previously considered distinct, and now considered the same.

The HTML::Template module defines a number of inner classes, including 
HTML::Template::DEFAULT. These aren’t currently being indexed, because Michael 
(WONKO), who’s done the recent releases, doesn’t have permission for them. So 
HTML::Template::DEFAULT is still indexed against the last release SAMTREGAR 
did, 2.9.

This now conflicts with HTML::Template::Default, which is owned by LEOCHARRE, 
and included in his HTML-Template-Default.

Given these are inner classes, the easiest way to resolve this is to tell PAUSE 
not to index any of the inner classes. Then I’ll be able to drop SAMTREGAR’s 
ownership of HTML::Template::DEFAULT.

The easiest way to do this is to add the following to dist.ini

        package = HTML::Template::COND
        package = HTML::Template::DEFAULT
        package = HTML::Template::ESCAPE
        package = HTML::Template::JSESCAPE
        package = HTML::Template::LOOP
        package = HTML::Template::NOOP
        package = HTML::Template::PRINTSCALAR
        package = HTML::Template::URLESCAPE
        package = HTML::Template::VAR

I could then drop permissions on HTML::Template::DEFAULT, once there’s a new 
release on CPAN, we can schedule deletion of the old releases.

Are you ok to do this?

PAUSE doesn’t let situations like this occur any more — I’m working through the 
existing cases resolving them.


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