Hi Yung-chung, As you know, I’m working through resolving PAUSE permissions conflicts that arose when PAUSE started treating package names case-insensitively. One of the distributions affected is “Llg”, which was last released in 1996, and cannot be installed from CPAN on recent versions of Perl. The author of that distribution is happy for it to be deleted from CPAN, since he hasn’t done Perl for a long time, and has no interest in maintaining it.
There is one distribution on CPAN which uses Llg, and that is your Lingua-LinkParser-MatchPath distribution: the Lingua::LinkParser::MatchPath::Lex modules uses the Lex module which is part of the Llg distribution. Your Lingua-LinkParser-MatchPath hasn’t installed on any versions of Perl for at least the last 10 years, so I’m wondering whether you want to maintain it, or whether you think the best thing would be to remove that from CPAN as well? There are at least two options: * If you want to get your distribution working again, you could adopt the Llg distribution and fix its problems. * You could delete Lingua-LinkParser-MatchPath from CPAN, or give me permission to. Then I could safely delete LLg. What would you like to do? Cheers, Neil