> of course I would like to do that. I tried to find how to drop permissions on 
> the PAUSE website, but that wasn't successful :D

Try this:
login to PAUSE
click on “Change Permissions” in the left sidebar
Look at the section “2. You are primary maintainer”. Scroll the list to the end 
to find Underscore; click on it.
Click on the “Select” button by “2.2 Give up primary maintainership status”
You’ll now see that same list, and “Underscore” should be pre-selected.
Click on the button to confirm you want to give it up

After you’ve done this, you might end up with co-maint on the namespace, so do 
the same as above, but this time look at section “4. You are co-maintainer”. If 
“Underscore” appears in that list, then please give up your co-maint permission 
as well.


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