Hi Alberto,

> What is the takeover etiquette?
> How many e-mails should I try to send the author?
> How many time should I wait for an answer?
> To make things worse, the author has just that module, with latest release 
> one year ago (7 jul 2015)

Here’s the official description on PAUSE:

I wrote a blog post a few years back, where I tried to be more specific on the 

My executive summary would be:
Raise an issue on the dist saying (a) what it is you’d like changed, and why; 
and (b) explicitly offer to “help out”, if given co-maint.
If there’s a repo, do a pull request (if you get to where you’re asking the 
PAUSE Admins for co-maint, you can refer to this and say “here’s my repo, where 
I fixed X and Y”)
If neither of the above works, send an email to the author, cc’ing 
modules@perl.org <mailto:modules@perl.org>. Explicitly ask for co-maint, and 
say that if you haven’t heard anything in a month, then you’ll ask the PAUSE 
admins to give you co-maint.
If you get no reply to that, or it bounces, have a look for other email 
addresses: sometimes they’re a different address will be listed in the AUTHOR 
section of the pod. Look for her or him on LinkedIn, google them, email to 
module-auth...@perl.org <mailto:module-auth...@perl.org>
Two weeks after that email, try again, if you have a working email address.
A month after the original email where you cc’d the PAUSE admins, send email to 
the PAUSE admins, cc’ing the author, asking for co-maint and outlining which of 
the above steps you did. Ie demonstrate due diligence.


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