Hi Andy,

> Can someone please assign me COMAINT on B-LexInfo, rather than making Doug do 
> it himself?

The right place to ask for permissions changes etc is the PAUSE Admins mailing 
list, modules@perl.org <mailto:modules@perl.org>, which I’ve copied on this 

I do read this list (and am pretty sure other PAUSE admins do), but I only 
catch up with it sporadically, whereas modules@ lands in my inbox.

I’ll make the permissions change, but there will be a small delay as DOUGM 
doesn’t have ownership of the other module in the dist 
(Apache::RegistryLexInfo), so I need Andreas’s intervention to help with that 
first. I’ll let you know when it’s done.


> Thanks,
> Andy
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Doug MacEachern <doug.maceach...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:doug.maceach...@gmail.com>>
>> Subject: Re: Updates to B::LexInfo
>> Date: June 20, 2016 at 10:49:00 PM CDT
>> To: Andy Lester <a...@petdance.com <mailto:a...@petdance.com>>
>> Hi Andy,
>> Great to hear the module is still useful and worked up to this point!
>> Its been over 10 years since I've maintained any of my Perl modules,
>> ok with me if you'd like to make the fix and upload to CPAN.
>> Best,
>> -Doug
>> On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 8:56 AM, Andy Lester <a...@petdance.com 
>> <mailto:a...@petdance.com>> wrote:
>>> Hey, Doug, long-time user, I’m sure I’ve still got the eagle book at home
>>> somewhere.
>>> We’ve upgraded our Perl at work to 5.20, and now we get warnings when Apache
>>> starts up because of B::LexInfo:
>>> https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=114661 
>>> <https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=114661>  And now in Perl 5.22 
>>> this
>>> warning becomes fatal.
>>> Is there anything I can do to help get an updated B::LexInfo out?  Would it
>>> help if I sent a patch?
>>> Or is this something that would be completely off your radar, that you don’t
>>> want to deal with? (I have modules like that myself)  If so, I’d be glad to
>>> make the change and upload to CPAN myself.
>>> I know it’s 17 years old, but it’s part of our stack, and Apache2::Status
>>> still supports it.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Andy
>>> --
>>> Andy Lester => www.petdance.com <http://www.petdance.com/>
> --
> Andy Lester => www.petdance.com <http://www.petdance.com/>

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