The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer. Please contact if there are any open questions.
User: GARY () Distribution file: Math-TrulyRandom-1.0.tar.gz Number of files: 12 *.pm files: 1 README: Math-TrulyRandom-1.0/README META-File: No META.yml or META.json found META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414 META-driven index: no Timestamp of file: Wed May 22 19:26:52 1996 UTC Time of this run: Tue Jun 21 20:53:01 2016 UTC This distribution name will only be indexed when uploaded by users with permission for the package Math::TrulyRandom. Either someone else has ownership over that package name, or this is a brand new distribution and that package name was neither listed in the 'provides' field in the META file nor found inside the distribution's modules. Therefore, no modules will be indexed. Further details on the indexing attempt follow. The following packages (grouped by status) have been found in the distro: Status: Permission missing ========================== module : Math::TrulyRandom version: undef in file: Math-TrulyRandom-1.0/ status : Not indexed because permission missing. Current registered primary maintainer is TELS. Hint: you can always find the legitimate maintainer(s) on PAUSE under "View Permissions". __END__