Hi Neil,
thanks for getting in contact with Toby!
I hope he is well.

Can you please ask him how he wants me to handle the git repo?
I'd be ok with either getting commit rights to his github repo or moving it to 
my account.
I just want to prevent having two repos for it.

Thanks, Alex

LG Alex
> Am 10.06.2016 um 09:59 schrieb Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com>:
> Hi Alex,
>> I hope you're well although you vanished from the Perl world.
>> I'd need a fix for Types::Datetime and would take over the module and git 
>> repo from you if you like.
> I’ve been in touch with Toby, and he said he’s happy for you to have co-maint 
> on Types::DateTime, so I’ve just given you co-maint.
> Thanks for stepping forward, Alex.
> Cheers,
> Neil

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