Hi Tomas & Matt,
I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat: I’m working on resolving conflicts caused by PAUSE now considering package names case insensitively. This has left us with some situations where two or more people are owners of namespaces previously considered distinct, and now considered the same. BOBTFISH is owner of Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::MemCached (and there are a host of co-maints). This module is on CPAN and in the CPAN index for the B/BO/BOBTFISH/Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached-0.8.tar.gz release. As an aside, the module doesn’t show up on MetaCPAN, but it does show up on search.cpan.org; it’s deprecated though, so I guess that’s not a biggie. This conflicts with Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Memcached, which is owned by MSTROUT, and has a similar host of co-maints. I assume this was the earlier name. To resolve this I’d like to drop all the permissions on Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Memcached. I’m guessing this is fine, but wanted to check you’re ok with this? Cheers, Neil