Hi again David,

> Yep. Same story as with my previous reply for "Array". These are sub-modules 
> of DailyUpdate/NewsClipper.

Thanks — I’ve dropped your permissions on these.


> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Neil Bowers <neil.bow...@cogendo.com 
> <mailto:neil.bow...@cogendo.com>> wrote:
> Hi David,
> I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat: I’m working on resolving 
> conflicts caused by PAUSE now considering package names case insensitively. 
> This has left us with some situations where people are owners of namespaces 
> previously considered distinct, and now considered the same.
> You have ownership of the following namespaces:
>         Array
>         Hash
>         String
> None of these modules are on CPAN (they may have been in the past). But your 
> ownership clashes with ARRAY and HASH which are part of the autobox-Core 
> distribution on CPAN (owned by SWALTERS), and the “string” module which is 
> part of the “types” distribution, owned by ABERGMAN.
> As a result I’d like to drop your permissions on these namespaces, to resolve 
> the conflict. From looking at your releases, I don’t think this will cause 
> any problems, but wanted to check with you. Are you ok with this?
> PAUSE will no longer let situations like this occur, so I’m cleaning up 
> historical cases like yours.
> Cheers,
> Neil


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