Hi Pause Admins, i am writing in order to upload some bug fixing of the module Authen::Krb5::Easy. The current mantainer is Ed Schaller ( schal...@darkmist.net ), i try to contact to his email but i got no answer.
I've checked that the module had some bug tickets [1] submited some year ago, and the current mantainer has never comment nor updated them. I've made a new version [2] which fixes the bugs described in the bug tracker and also fixes a particular bug i've encountered. Please guide me on how should i proceed. Thanks in advance!. [1] https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Authen-Krb5-Easy [2] https://github.com/NickCis/perl-Authen-Krb5-Easy -- Nicolas Cisco www.nckweb.com.ar