Hi all,

On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 18:59:30 +0200
Shlomi Fish <shlo...@shlomifish.org> wrote:

> Hi all!
> I'd like to have a COMAINT bit (co-maintainer) on
> https://metacpan.org/release/File-Remove , which today I've been bitten by
> this bug of it: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=90183 .
> File-Remove had no release since 2012 and ADAMK, its most recent uploader,
> has not made any release since 2013.

replying to myself, I'd like to note that I set up a hopefully canonical GitHub
fork of the File-Remove distribution here:

* https://github.com/shlomif/File-Remove

There are already quite a few changes there.

Thanks to all the people who took part on this thread for their guidance
(and especially to Karen for pointing at the GitHub TheOpenRepository
collection). Hopefully, I'll be given COMAINT for it soon, so I can upload a
new version to CPAN and close rt.cpan.org bugs (after fixing them if necessary).


        Shlomi Fish

> My plans for it are:
> 1. Convert the build system away from Module-Install (which is undermaintained
> and unloved) to Dist-Zilla .
> 2. Convert the version control system from Subversion to git (and host it on
> GitHub), while hopefully preserving history.
> 3. Try to fix the remaining bugs.
> 4. Investigate other future improvements.
> My PAUSE id is "SHLOMIF" ( https://metacpan.org/author/SHLOMIF ).
> Regards,
>       Shlomi Fish


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