Regarding the received mail :
The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer.
Please contact if there are any open questions.
User: RBAKARIC (Robert Bakaric)
Distribution file: LCP-0.01.tar.gz
Number of files: 16
*.pm files: 3
META-File: LCP-0.01/META.json
META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4414
META-driven index: no
Timestamp of file: Wed Sep 30 15:10:29 2015 UTC
Time of this run: Wed Sep 30 15:12:01 2015 UTC
This distribution name can only be used by users with permission for the
package LCP, which you do not have. No modules will be indexed.
Further details on the indexing attempt follow.
The following packages (grouped by status) have been found in the
Status: No permissions for distribution name
module : LCP::Karkkainen
version: 0.01
in file: LCP-0.01/lib/LCP/
status : Not indexed; RBAKARIC not authorized for this distribution
module : LCP::Kasai
version: 0.01
in file: LCP-0.01/lib/LCP/
status : Not indexed; RBAKARIC not authorized for this distribution
module : LCP::Manzini
version: 0.01
in file: LCP-0.01/lib/LCP/
status : Not indexed; RBAKARIC not authorized for this distribution
"This distribution name can only be used by users with permission for
package LCP, which you do not have. No modules will be indexed."
Who has the permission and why I cannot locate it on cpan. Basically the
question is what did i do wrong (since this is my first attempt to
upload a module)?