Hi Babu,

> I realized missing module in my first package : Amibroker::AFL::Tools and 
> added it in version 0.02 and 0.03,
> but still I am getting this error.
> Amibroker::AFL::Tools has only pod information and does not actually contain 
> any code.
> So, is that a problem?

Firstly, you forgot to add lib/Amibroker/AFL/Tools.pm to your MANIFEST file, so 
when you ran “make dist”, it didn’t include that file.

Secondly, the module can be mainly documentation, as long as the package is 
defined. A minimal package is something like:

    package Amibroker::AFL::Tools;
    our $VERSION = ‘0.04’;

You don’t have to include the VERSION, but it’s good practice for every module 
in your dist to have a version, and for that version to match the release's 
version number.


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