> In 72 hours I plan to schedule the deletion of the SGMLS distribution from 
>       https://metacpan.org/release/SGMLSpm 
> <https://metacpan.org/release/SGMLSpm>
> This was last released by David Megginson (DMEGG) in December 1995 (ie nearly 
> 20 years ago). It doesn’t install cleanly from CPAN, and there are other more 
> recent SGML modules on CPAN (eg SGML::Parser::OpenSP).
> In email about this module, David said he hasn’t heard about anyone using it 
> in the last 15 years. So rather than update it, it seems like a good 
> candidate for removing. David agreed: "Please feel free to delete”.

I have just scheduled the deletion, so this distribution will be removed from 
CPAN on Saturday night (UTC).

Thanks again to David for his support on this.


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