Hi Nicholas,

I’m one of the PAUSE admins.

I noticed that you have two distributions on CPAN, both of which contain one 
module / package each:


But someone else noticed that you have ownership of a lot of other namespaces 
on CPAN:

Captcha                 Search                  memberlist
Chat                    TG                      page
Chat_imob               UBBC                    pm_alert
Clock                   Wiki                    portal_aubbc
DATE_TIME               admin                   rank
Database_Manipulation   anti_spam               register
Error_Log               ban                     serverinfo
FAQ_Admin               bot__God                smilies
Forum                   bot_imob                stats_log
Gallery                 chat_text               test2
HTML_TEXT               core                    test3
LOGIN                   error                   testzz
Mixing_HTML_and_BBcode  exporter                theme
PM                      filters                 user
PM_EMAIL                flat_file               vehicle_data
RSS                     forum_home              whosonilne
SQLEdit                 get_user                wiki_link
SQLSubLoad              last_articles
SQLsubs                 login_menu

I’m guessing that these are the result of a bug, either in something you 
uploaded, or in PAUSE at some point in the past.

Can I confirm that you’re not using any of these namespaces, and are happy for 
them to be freed up? If so then I’ll release them all from you, so that they’re 
free to be used by others, should they want to.


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