Hi Shlomi,

> I would like to request COMAINT on https://metacpan.org/release/Crypt-CFB by
> https://metacpan.org/author/KJH . There hasn't been a release by KJH since 
> Feb,
> 2011 (over 4 years ago).
> My plans for it are:
> 1. […good stuff, including a bug fix…]
> 6. Ongoing maintenance.

As you know, the preferred method is for Kees (KJH) to grant you co-maint or 
ownership. If you don’t get any response from Kees after a month, and you can 
show that you’ve taken appropriate steps to try and contact him, then you can 
return to the modules@perl.org <mailto:modules@perl.org> list to request a 

Kees, if you don’t want to hand over your module, that’s fine, just let us know 
please. If you are happy for Shlomi to take your module on, I’m happy to make 
the permissions change for you: just let me know which option you want:
You retain ownership, Shlomi gets co-maint
Shlomi gets ownership, you get co-maint
Shlomi gets ownership, and you release all permissions

If you retain co-maint, then you’ll continue to receive any bug reports 
submitted to RT, which won’t happen if you choose option 3.


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