Hello James,
sorry to send you an email, I didn't find a forum where to ask my question...

I have been using Dancer::Plugin::Bcrypt to store encrypted passwords in my database, through a v5.8 perl app. I'm currently trying to migrate my apps to a freshly installed server with centos 7, coming with perl V5.16.

I didn't manage to install Dancer::Plugin::Bcrypt. Having a look in cpan, I saw that it is deprecated and you tell to use dancer::plugin::passphrase instead.

I installed it, but I can't use the matches function as is as the passwords are stored in a bcrypt hash (not rfc2307 string)....

Could you please tell me how I can use passphrase with passwords generated with Dancer::Plugin::Bcrypt?

thank you in advance and for your work


Gérald Salin
Informatique - Plateforme GeT-PlaGe
Génopole Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées
Tél :
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web : http://get.genotoul.fr

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