Hi Chris, > The user PERLDL has been totally non-responsive in any attempts to update the > module permissions in order to resolve an UNAUTHORIZED RELEASE condition for > the upcoming PDL-2.008 release. Admin assistance would be greatly > appreciated.
I have transferred ownership of the following packages to you (CHM), with PERLDL retaining co-maint permissions: PDL PDL::PP PDL::Slatec As per David Golden’s previous suggestion, you might like to consider ensuring that you retain ownership using the x_authority field. Also, I note that you are not owner of the following packages, which were part of the last PDL release. I’ll list the owner’s PAUSE id: CSOE PDL::Demos::Cartography_demo PDL::Demos::PGPLOT_OO_demo PDL::Demos::Transform_demo PDL::Graphics::Limits PDL::Graphics::Limits::DSet PDL::Graphics::State PDL::IO::Dicom PDL::IO::Dumper PDL::IO::FITS PDL::MyInlineMod PDL::Transform::Cartography ZOWIE PDL::Demos::Gnuplot_demo CJTAYLOR PDL::IO::HDF Sorry it’s taken me so long to resolve this. Neil