Awesome! Your help worked and my module was uploaded.

  User: JGK (John Kennedy)
  Distribution file: Net-IPFromZip-0.02.tar.gz
  Number of files: 8
  *.pm files: 1
  README: Net-IPFromZip-0.02/README
  META-File: Net-IPFromZip-0.02/META.json
  META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4404
  META-driven index: no
  Timestamp of file: Tue Feb  3 04:37:50 2015 UTC
  Time of this run: Tue Feb  3 04:39:19 2015 UTC

Status of this distro: OK

The following packages (grouped by status) have been found in the distro:

Status: Successfully indexed

     module : Net::IPFromZip
     version: 0.02
     in file: Net-IPFromZip-0.02/lib/Net/
     status : indexed


Thanks a ton David.

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 10:15 PM, David Golden <> wrote:

> Looks like you packed up your own tarball (or zipfile, really) because
> contains the folder "Net-IPFromZip" without the
> version number, which could be related to the permissions problem.
> Try creating your tarball with the Makefile.  Run "perl Makefile.PL" and
> then "make dist" and if that works, upload the result.
> Separately -- unrelated, but will cause problems for anyone who tries to
> install your module -- your test file has hard-coded paths to your own home
> directory.  :-)
> Usually, people put test data into a "t/data" folder or a top level
> "corpus" folder and load it from there.  And the "use lib" line isn't
> necessary if you're testing with "make test".  The Makefile will set the
> library path for you when it runs.  If you're testing with prove, you can
> get a similar effect with "prove -l t/Net-IPFromZip.t".
> Regards,
> David
> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 11:05 PM, John Kennedy <>
> wrote:
>> Sure. I re-uploaded my module as per your instructions in the second
>> paragraph of your email. That upload failed, with the report as follows:
>>   User: JGK (John Kennedy)
>>   Distribution file:
>>   Number of files: 74
>>   *.pm files: 1
>>   META-File: No META.yml or META.json found
>>   META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4404
>>   META-driven index: no
>>   Timestamp of file: Tue Feb  3 03:58:16 2015 UTC
>>   Time of this run: Tue Feb  3 03:59:43 2015 UTC
>> This distribution name can only be used by users with permission for the
>> package Net::IPFromZip, which you do not have.
>> __END__
>> *My previous message:*
>>   User: JGK (John Kennedy)
>>   Distribution file:
>>   Number of files: 47
>>   *.pm files: 1
>>   META-File: No META.yml or META.json found
>>   META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4404
>>   META-driven index: no
>>   Timestamp of file: Mon Feb  2 20:27:32 2015 UTC
>>   Time of this run: Mon Feb  2 20:28:59 2015 UTC
>> This distribution name can only be used by users with permission for the
>> package Net::IPFromZip, which you do not have.
>> __END__
>> My tarball link:
>> Thanks very much for the help
>> john
>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 9:54 PM, David Golden <> wrote:
>>> John,
>>> Could you please attach a copy of the emails you received from PAUSE
>>> with the error messages?  Also, can you post your tarballs to dropbox or
>>> some other public site and give us a link?
>>> Generally speaking, if you're uploading Geo::IP::Reverse, you need to
>>> have a tarball named Geo-IP-Reverse-1.23.tar.gz (or whatever your version
>>> number is).  You also need to have a lib/Geo/IP/ file with
>>> "package Geo::IP::Reverse" that PAUSE can parse.
>>> There are other problems that can inadvertently trigger a permissions
>>> error, even when that isn't the real issue, so without the specific error
>>> message and tarball, it's hard to diagnose further.
>>> Regards,
>>> David
>>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 3:33 PM, John Kennedy <> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I tried twice uploading a module (my first) and I twice got a message
>>>> that I don't have permission for the package name. I uploaded under the
>>>> names Geo::IP::Reverse and Net::IPFromZip
>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> jgk
>>> --
>>> David Golden <> Twitter/IRC: @xdg
> --
> David Golden <> Twitter/IRC: @xdg

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