Hello Andreas,
i seem to have got myself into an upper/lowercase mess.
I while ago we renamed Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch (big S) to
Catmandu::Store::Elasticsearch (small s). This has led to all kinds of
cpan indexing troubles. In an effort to fix this i deleted all the
Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch files and accompanying rights (i was the
primary on these modules), but in the process i seem to have also lost
the rights to the Catmandu::Store::Elasticsearch namespace.
Basically we didn't realise at the time that there are issues with case
insensitivity and cpan.
Do you know a way to fix our mess?
I included Patrick Hochstenbach in CC as he still has his co-maintainer
His cpan handle is HOCHSTEN, mine is NICS.
Nicolas Steenlant - software developer
University Library Ghent
Rozier 9 - 9000 Ghent - Belgium
+32 (0)9 264 39 18