Hi Chad,

> I just dug through my history and found this from when I adopted Test::Tester 
> from fegal. Is this sufficient to have the namespaces fully transferred to me 
> on cpan?

Fergal’s email wasn’t sufficient on its own, as it wasn’t clear on what exactly 
he was happy to have happen.

I checked with Fergal, and he is indeed happy for you to take over ownership, 
so I’ve passed primary maintainership to you, for these four modules:

> Test::Tester
> Test::Tester::Capture
> Test::Tester::Delegate
> Test::Tester::CaptureRunner

I’ve dropped Fergal from co-maint on these, as he requested.

Thanks for taking these on, and thanks to Fergal for being happy to hand it on.


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