Hi, Why can’t I upload Amazon::SES? It’s not currently on the CPAN from what I can find.
You can browse the module here: https://github.com/rustyconover/amazon-ses Its a fork of Net::AWS::SES to use Moops, Test::Modern, Type checking, and an implementation into Email::Sender::Transport::SES. I’ve contacted the author of Net::AWS::SES and they are unresponsive. If you could help me push Net::Amazon::S3 I’d be happy to do that too… that maintainer there doesn’t return my emails since forever. https://github.com/rustyconover/net-amazon-s3 You can see the branch history there. Thanks, Rusty -- Rusty Conover Lucky Dinosaur, LLC. On October 18, 2014 at 11:01:36 PM, PAUSE (upl...@pause.perl.org) wrote: The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer. Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions. User: RCONOVER (Rusty Conover) Distribution file: Amazon-SES-0.02.tar.gz Number of files: 14 *.pm files: 3 README: Amazon-SES-0.02/README META-File: Amazon-SES-0.02/META.yml META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4404 META-driven index: no Timestamp of file: Sun Oct 19 03:01:19 2014 UTC Time of this run: Sun Oct 19 03:01:35 2014 UTC This distribution name can only be used by users with permission for the package Amazon::SES, which you do not have. __END__