
Why can’t I upload Amazon::SES?  It’s not currently on the CPAN from what I can 

You can browse the module here:


Its a fork of Net::AWS::SES to use Moops, Test::Modern, Type checking, and an 
implementation into Email::Sender::Transport::SES.  I’ve contacted the author 
of Net::AWS::SES and they are unresponsive.  If you could help me push 
Net::Amazon::S3 I’d be happy to do that too… that maintainer there doesn’t 
return my emails since forever.


You can see the branch history there.



Rusty Conover
Lucky Dinosaur, LLC.

On October 18, 2014 at 11:01:36 PM, PAUSE (upl...@pause.perl.org) wrote:

The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer.  
Please contact modules@perl.org if there are any open questions.  

User: RCONOVER (Rusty Conover)  
Distribution file: Amazon-SES-0.02.tar.gz  
Number of files: 14  
*.pm files: 3  
README: Amazon-SES-0.02/README  
META-File: Amazon-SES-0.02/META.yml  
META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4404  
META-driven index: no  
Timestamp of file: Sun Oct 19 03:01:19 2014 UTC  
Time of this run: Sun Oct 19 03:01:35 2014 UTC  

This distribution name can only be used by users with permission for the  
package Amazon::SES, which you do not have.  


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