Between twice and four times a day sounds fine. IMHO, the scripts section
needs some attention before it's worth tweaking it any more. In particular:

It doesn't index scripts uploaded via FTP
It doesn't index scripts in tarballs
It is one freakishly-long and continuously-growing page

I hope to address some or all of these issues soon, at which point it may
make sense to revisit the indexing scheme. Or, if anyone else wants to take
a whack at it, it's Open Source, after all. :)

- Kurt

On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 11:08 PM, Andreas Koenig <> wrote:

> Graham Jenkins <> writes:
> > Thanks Andreas. The scripts previously uploaded are now correctly
> > indexed.
> >
> > But two more scripts uploaded as hereunder hadn't been indexed an hour
> > later, so I selected a PAUSE re-index for them .. and (an another hour
> > later) it still hasn't happened.
> The cronjob for scripts-indexing were only scheduled for once a day. I
> switched to four times a day just now. They are not influenced by the
> normal pause reindexing that can be triggered from the pause homepage.
> Kurt, what would you suggest for a good cronjob scheduling? The old
> cronjobs were scheduled for twice a day.
> --
> andreas

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