Admittedly, I am a newbie here and hope I am not missing an obvious answer, but I don't fully understand this failure message from PAUSE. I searched online to find an adequate explanation of 'PAUSE indexer' and how critical this might be for my submission to CPAN, but came up empty. Did I neglect some preliminary task to obtain necessary permissions? Also, I can find my distribution with a CPAN search, and download the compressed tar what am I missing? Hopefully, the answers are simple and won't take up too much or your time. Thank you for your time and help. - Elliot
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: PAUSE <> Date: Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 12:04 PM Subject: Failed: PAUSE indexer report EXW/Wx-App-AnnualCal-0.9.tar.gz To:, The following report has been written by the PAUSE namespace indexer. Please contact if there are any open questions. User: EXW (Elliot Winston) Distribution file: Wx-App-AnnualCal-0.9.tar.gz Number of files: 18 *.pm files: 3 README: Wx-App-AnnualCal-0.9/README META-File: Wx-App-AnnualCal-0.9/META.json META-Parser: Parse::CPAN::Meta 1.4404 META-driven index: no Timestamp of file: Mon Apr 21 16:03:20 2014 UTC Time of this run: Mon Apr 21 16:04:50 2014 UTC This distribution name can only be used by users with permission for the package Wx::App::AnnualCal, which you do not have. __END__