The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Monitoring::Icinga
  DSLIP:       bdpOp
  description: Object oriented interface to Icinga REST API
  userid:      SCHRORG (Robin Schroeder)
  chapterid:   8 (User_Interfaces)

    Nagios::Status::HostStatus Nagios::Status::ServiceStatus


    I chose Monitoring::Icinga as module name because there is an
    already existing rootlevel namespace "Monitoring", which is
    independent of one specific product. I don't think it is necessary
    to create a new rootlevel namespace for Icinga.

    In the first version, the module will basically be what
    Nagios::Status::HostStatus and Nagios::Status::ServiceStatus are,
    but use the Icinga Web REST API instead of parsing the Nagios/Icinga
    status file. Thus, it does not have to run on the monitoring host
    itself to access the information.

    The Icinga Web REST API is under active development and so is this
    module. It is already actively used in a large monitoring
    environment at my employee and will get additional functionality
    soon (i.e. sending commands to Icinga).

  enteredby:   SCHRORG (Robin Schroeder)
  enteredon:   Mon Mar 24 16:34:31 2014 UTC

The resulting entry would be:

::Icinga          bdpOp Object oriented interface to Icinga REST API SCHRORG

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