On 02/08/2014 06:15 AM, Neil Bowers wrote:
Just to close the loop...
When I previously adopted one of Sean's dists I was told he'd retired. This 
time I noticed that he wasn't listed in the permissions for the dist, so 
assumed[*] that the same applied for this dist. And then my email to the PAUSE 
admins got spam blocked, as often happens. So I impatiently[**] emailed Ron 
directly. Apologies to Sean and Ron; lesson learned.

No problem at all.
(Simple answer to "Retired?" is "Well, emeritus"-- in the nebulous US sense of the word, which can mean "gave most of his hard jobs to other people; and is perennially working on his translation of the Ginza Rba into Thai", just as well as it could mean "Last I heard, he was an arms dealer in Thailand, but somebody said they've seen him at the Tommyburger in Burbank." MORE ON THAT LATER.)

My question for the moment, for anyone, but notably modules@perl.org, is:

Can I delete (some) old items from here...?

And: How?-- Is it just a matter of jumping into PAUSE and deleting them from my home PAUSE directory and then things are automatic?

And: would this be a bad idea in some notable way?

(I figure if anyone's interest in keeping those around would be just historical interest, then if someone *wants* a particular old version of something, they're much better off going to http://backpan.perl.org/ )

I bring this up because most (not all) of those links are to things that are, at best, uninteresting-- they're not-latest releases of things. (In many cases, *very* not-latest.)


Follow the link to Class::ISA (0.33) ...
and you'll see the whole detail page for that module... with just one little note saying that the most recent release isn't this 0.33, it's 0.36, click here to go elsewhere.

Ditto my (equals old) versions of Pod::Simple,... HTML-Tree,... Test.pm,... and other stuff that's just clutter. Clutter, just distracting crufty clutter.

I'm not talking about deleting active stuff-- I mean *only* stuff, in my dir, that other people have released newer versions of. Like the above-mentioned. (As opposed to IO::Null (for example) whose latest release was by me, therefore it stays.)

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