
I apologize for not being more clear.

I was referring to my application to register the errantly named namespace
of "Dancer::Plugin::Legacy".  I am not able to Edit Module Metadata on an
unapproved namespace, which means I'm afraid I can not mark it as "Can Be
Deleted from database".  However, I think your message does give me an idea
on an action I can take.

I have resubmitted the registration request, this time for the correct
namespace of Dancer::Plugin::Legacy::Routing.  If the original request is
denied then there is no need to delete or change anything.  If my correct
request is approved, then an approval of just the correct namespace takes
care of everything.

Apologies for the confusion.

Best Regards,
Robert Stone

On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 5:10 PM, Ron Savage <> wrote:

> Hi Robert
> "I hope a member of the list can make this
> change".
> Nope. /You/ do that by uploading a re-named module and deleting the
> original, all via the PAUSE web site.
> Cheers
> --
> Ron Savage

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