Hi Nathan

Thanx for reading the advice re naming modules, even if a little late!

There are a wide range of modules on CPAN handling issue such as yours does, and tying them together is not the way many of us work.

For instance, I already use config modules, logging modules, etc, and have a policy of not adopting a module which forces me to adopt several such things just to get the feature I want.

In the short term you can simply delete CELL via the PAUSE web interface.

Then, I strongly suggest you have a think about such matters before deciding what to do next.

There is of course no reason you'd like my way of doing things, but just for the record my choices are:

o Config::Tiny (and if that's insufficient, Config::IniFiles)

Yes, there's a vast array of config modules on CPAN. No-one needs them all, but we all need a good one.

o Log::Handler

Correspondence will not be entered into :-).

o Try::Tiny, perhaps combined with Throwable::Factory

The latter is written by Toby Inkster, which is always a good sign.

o Etc.


Ron Savage

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