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> I don't know how to continue from here. I take it that already released
> modules (such as WebService::FitBit) can not just be deleted from CPAN?
> Perhaps it would be easier if I just took over the existing
> WebService::FitBit namespace and bumped the version of my first release to
> indicate the API change?
> Anybody know how to handle the "duplicate" namespace reservations? 
> WebService::FitBit vs. WebService::Fitbit?

I recommend that you take the name in the form that Fitbit uses. If
that's the old namespance, bump the version to the next major version.
You might go as far as putting in a a warning on installation. However,
if the interface is the same (or supported) despite the implementation
it might not be a problem.

I think you and John can work that out to transfer names and
permissions, but if you need help let us know.

To get rid of anything, you can delete the distros from CPAN (they'll
be on BackPAN still) and if the namespace is registrered, you can go to
the metadata page and set its lifecycle to "Can be deleted".



Good luck, :)

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
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