Hi! I would like to adopt and maintain the Readonly module.
The latest version uploaded to PAUSE came in 2004 and the RT queue has been ignored since (at least) 2008. There are currently 20 new/open issues and ADOPTME already has a co-maint bit. ROODE is active on both Facebook and Google+ but has not responded to my attempts to reach him. Gabor Szabo has had a difficult time contacting the author directly via email as well (http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.modules/2013/09/msg87645.html). While not required, the companion module, Readonly::XS, hasn't been updated since 2009 and also has several unresolved issues. It hasn't been given ADOPTME status but transferring ownership of both at the same time could really streamline things. -- Sanko Robinson sa...@cpan.org