José, what alternative phrasings do you think would be more obvious?
"Give up" seems clear to me, but I could imagine how a non-native
speaker might not catch the subtle difference between "Give" and "Give
up" if reading quickly.

    2.2 - Abandon primary maintainership status

    2.2 - Drop primary maintainership status

    2.2 - Nuke primary maintainership status

The later is slang, but evocative of the severity of the choice.

Or we could slap a big warning on it:

    2.2. - DON"T DO THIS UNLESS YOU REALLY MEAN TO: Drop primary
maintainership status

What do you think?


On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 5:06 AM, José Castro <> wrote:
> Honestly, I was in a hurry and didn't read the words between parenthesis;
> this means I read the options as:
>  2.1 - Transfer primary maintainership status to somebody else
>  2.2 - Give up primary maintainership status
> Since I was looking to hand over the module to BooK and not retain
> maintainership status, I hit the second option and followed the
> instructions; when I noticed what had happened it was too late.
> jac
> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 9:52 PM, David Golden <> wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 5:09 AM, José Castro <> wrote:
>> > I hit the wrong button and relinquished my maintainer status before
>> > handing it over to BooK.
>> I recently patched PAUSE to try to clarify the language on the "Change
>> Permissions" page to avoid that sort of thing, but maybe it's not
>> enough (or I made it worse!)
>> Were you just going too fast or did you find the choices confusing?
>> David
>> --
>> David Golden <>
>> Take back your inbox! →
>> Twitter/IRC: @xdg

David Golden <>
Take back your inbox! →
Twitter/IRC: @xdg

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