The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       JIRA::Client::Automated
  DSLIP:       bdpOp
  description: A JIRA REST client for automated scripts.
  userid:      FRIMICC (Michael Friedman)
  chapterid:   24 (Commercial_Software_Interfaces)
    SVPerl meetings,,,

    JIRA::REST JIRA::Client JIRA::Client::REST


    I needed a fully-automated way to create, update, and close issues
    in JIRA using their modern API. The existing solutions all failed me
    for one reason or another: JIRA::Client uses the old deprecated API,
    JIRA::Client::REST uses the new REST API, but is read-only, and
    JIRA::REST does not let you update or close issues.

    I chose JIRA::Client::Automated as the name for this module because
    it is a JIRA Client and it does almost all of the things that the
    full-service JIRA::Client does, but my module is intended for use
    from automated scripts. There's no pretense at a GUI or any user
    interaction and it does not use OAuth2 for authentication, under the
    theory that when you write a script using this new module you won't
    want to have to get new tokens or anything like that every time. I
    wanted to highlight this design choice for the module.

  enteredby:   FRIMICC (Michael Friedman)
  enteredon:   Thu Aug 22 05:20:52 2013 UTC

The resulting entry would be:

::Automated       bdpOp A JIRA REST client for automated scripts.    FRIMICC

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