Hi Caleb, hi Sean,

On 05/05/2013 03:23 PM, Caleb Cushing wrote:
contacted the author over a year ago, he responded but has since
disappeared, attempted to contact again 3 weeks ago, no response.


I'd like maint on this module so I could spread the love and give
comaint to others... but if that can't be done... comaint would be
nice so we could bring this module into this decade.

does anything else need to be done before this could be possible?

Curiously, PAUSE appears to have no record of the two namespaces in that distribution. Technically, Caleb, that means if you go ahead and release a new version, PAUSE would likely pick it up automatically.

Nonetheless, please to refer to the takeover guidelines as you're making your changes:


Best regards,

PS: Hey Sean, how are you? Still in Ketchikan?

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