The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Devel::Debug::Server
  DSLIP:       adpfp
  description: A server for debugging multiple processes
  userid:      JCHASSLER (Jean-Christian HASSLER)
  chapterid:   3 (Development_Support)



    Lots of debugging modules a available for perl (graphical and non
    graphical), their are all directly attached to the debugging script.
    This implies the following limitation : - it is not easy to debug
    multiple processes (10 processes implies 10 debugging shell windows)
    - it is not easy to debug forking processes - breakpoints should be
    set again at each script execution (and automation is not trivial)
    This module aims at providing an debugging engine so that we can
    provide a debugger equivalent the jvm one where you can observe and
    halt each vjm thread as you want (replace jvm thread with perl
    process). Every debugging processes connect to the debugging server
    providing runtime informations and receiving breakpoint list to set.
    The next step will be to develop a GUI client to control this debug

  enteredby:   JCHASSLER (Jean-Christian HASSLER)
  enteredon:   Sat Mar  9 22:36:42 2013 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Server          adpfp A server for debugging multiple processes    JCHASSLER

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