The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Freecell::App DSLIP: Snpf2 description: The main loop for the freecell-solver script userid: SHIRHA (Shirl Hart) chapterid: 23 (Miscellaneous_Modules) communities:
similar: none rationale: The freecell-solver script calls Freecell::App and Freecell::Tableau to solve a FreeCell game by number. It uses a breadth-first algorithm with an A* heuristic to trim the 'seen' position hash to prevent out-of-memory conditions. I wrote it because would only let you look at 3 solutions a day and then cut you off! With an option of --maxnodes 25000, some solutions are actually better than that website. This script works better on a 64 bit distribution of Perl because a 32 bit version can only safely use the default of --maxnodes 2000 and not run out of memory. enteredby: SHIRHA (Shirl Hart) enteredon: Fri Jan 18 19:01:59 2013 GMT The resulting entry would be: Freecell:: ::App Snpf2 The main loop for the freecell-solver script SHIRHA Thanks for registering, -- The PAUSE PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: Peek at the current permissions: