I have no problem with giving Vernon co-maint on this. Probably makes sense to also give co-maint on the sister modules Net::OpenID::Consumer and Net::OpenID::Server; the ::Common distribution is just some common code used by both of these.

As with Robert I no longer have the time to maintain this guy since I'm no longer actively working on any projects with OpenID support.

On 11/22/2012 10:57 PM, Steffen Mueller wrote:
Hi Vernon, Roger, Robert, Martin, Brad,

On 11/18/2012 03:30 PM, Vernon Lyon wrote:
I've been trying to get hold of the author (WROG: Roger Crew) for some
changes to fix a bug in this module.
Attempts to contact him over 2 months has failed.
Other bug reports with patches have similarly been ignored, so perhaps
he's no longer involved in maintaining this very useful module.

I'd like to release a new version of this module (or get one of the
co-maints to do it) that fixes a fairly simple bug.
Mentioned here:

GitHub pull request:

Could I get added as a co-maint or get hold of someone that has access
to this module?

The module in question is already co-maintained by Roger (primary
maintainer), Robert (see CC), Martin (also in CC), and Brad (umm, in CC).

Could one of the maintainers please get back to Vernon about his
proposed bugfixes *or* give me green light to add him as a co-maintainer
in his own right?

Best regards,
(for the PAUSE admins)

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