Hi , I whould like to consult with you, I am workimg on cetos5 machine 64 bit , and I want to install the packege , but I get the next erroes:
make test install /home/git/tools/perl2exe/ perl2exe/perl5/bin/perl Build --makefile_env_macros 1 test Use of uninitialized value $Test::Harness::Switches in length at /home/git/tools/perl2exe/perl2exe/perl5/lib/5.10.0/Module/Build/Base.pm line 2767. t/00-load.t ................ Can't locate Test/More.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /home//Net-SNMP-Mixin-0.12/blib/lib /home//Net-SNMP-Mixin-0.12/blib/arch /. BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00-load.t line 3.# Error: Can't locate Package/Generator.pm in and make test install fails. Do you have any idea? Thansk, Miryam