The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: Passwd::Keyring DSLIP: cdhOp description: Secure password storage via OS backends userid: MEKK (Marcin Kasperski) chapterid: 4 (Operating_System_Interfaces) communities: Source code published on bitbucket, issue trackers there, wiki if needed.
similar: rationale: Scripts and modules fairly often need to use security-sensitive data, like passwords. In such a cases, they tend to either prompt for password on every run, or store passwords in insecure storage like config files. Operating systems nowadays provide numerous secure password storages (Gnome Keyring, KDE KWallet, OSX KeyChain, Windows Vault, ...), saving passwords there makes them reasonably secure, but at the same time leaves the user from burden of retyping them on every run. Passwd::Keyring:: is about (a) providing simplified, uniform interfaces to those APIs (for example Passwd::Keyring::Gnome stores passwords in GNOME Keyring) and (b) providing ways to automatically pick best possible backend. All this is heavily inspired by Python keyring library (, from which I plan to borrow some code or at least concepts which API to use. PS I just used cpan-upload script, wouldn't it be nice to have it save PAUSE password once for good, without being worried of accidentally loosing it? enteredby: MEKK (Marcin Kasperski) enteredon: Sun Nov 4 22:23:29 2012 GMT The resulting entry would be: Passwd:: ::Keyring cdhOp Secure password storage via OS backends MEKK Thanks for registering, -- The PAUSE PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: Peek at the current permissions: