Hi Olaf, hi Daniel, hi Scott

sorry for the delay in responding. Too busy...

On 10/14/2012 03:32 PM, Olaf Alders wrote:
I'd like to request co-maint on Business-PayPal-API.  My PAUSE id is
OALDERS. This is primarily to fix
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=70424 which is a
particularly annoying bug.  The ticket has been open for over 1 year.
It's a 1 line fix and trivial to implement.  I've contacted the
author via email as well as via this RT ticket, but no joy.  There is
also a forked version on Github which has improvements which could be
pulled into this module and would be of benefit to others.

I've given Olaf co-maintenance permissions on the namespaces in question. Daniel, Scott, if you read this and object, please speak up. This is very much reversible.

Best regards,
(for the PAUSE admins)

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