Hi Shlomi,

Thanks for your thoughts.

>> PAUSE::PermissionsFile
>> Module::Permissions
> Preferably, those two classes should be under the same namespace.

Yeah, I realised that as I continued working on it. They are now.

I'm leaning towards PAUSE::Permissions now, but am waiting to see what Andreas 

> It would be a good idea to add "my" to the synposis, so as to make it
> "use strict;"/"use warnings;"-compliant.

I'm in two minds on that. Generally I think a SYNOPSIS should be as brief and 
clear as possible, to get across how to use the module, so sprinkling it with 
'my' is a distraction. For example, all the reviews I write have SYNOPSIS style 
code examples, and none of them have 'my'. But the code is all run with strict 
and warnings, but I just predeclare everything before the section that gets 
included in the review.

But there's the subliminal "of course you always declare things, and use strict 
and warnings, right?" effect.

So I've added them :-)

>> By default PAUSE::PermissionsFile will mirror (using HTTP::Tiny's
>> mirror) 06perms.txt, and then work off the local copy. 
> I would suggest against contacting remote sites by default, due to
> the "Test programs should not connect to Internet resources" item here:

The module mirrors by default, but for my tests I use a local mini 06perms.txt, 
for exactly the reasons you give.


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