On Thu, Sep 06, 2012 at 04:17:46PM -0400, Robert James Clay wrote:
> Robert,
>    I packaged Net::Citadel for Debian, and while doing so found a
> documentation bug (#71743 at rt.cpan.org), which apparently has not yet
> been responded to.  (I may have found another documentation bug as well,
> but I want to verify it before reporting it.)
>    Besides issues like that, I would very much like to see additional
> functionality added to Net::Citadel, directly in Net::Citadel and/or in
> additional modules in the same name space.  Do you have plans for doing
> anything like that?  I plan to work on functionality for the MRTG
> command as well as at least something for messages.
>    If you are not planning to do any updates to it in the near future,
> I'd be hap[y to work on it myself more directly, perhaps as a
> co-maintainer of the module.  Please let me know what you think.


I only needed Net::Citadel for one pilot project, but that never
evolved into something which would fund developing this "to the end".
Saying that, I am happy to add co-maintainership or even pass on full
maintainership to anyone interested.

I faintly remember that I would need you CPANID for that, right? Is it


? Then I will do it ASAP.


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