The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: TinkerForge DSLIP: adcOp description: perl binding for the TinkerForge kit userid: JOBA (Andreas Jobs) chapterid: 23 (Miscellaneous_Modules) communities:
similar: rationale: I started the packages with the name of the product the bindings are for, mainly because I didn't find a better place for such bindings. enteredby: JOBA (Andreas Jobs) enteredon: Mon May 28 12:40:44 2012 GMT The resulting entry would be: TinkerForge adcOp perl binding for the TinkerForge kit JOBA Thanks for registering, -- The PAUSE PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: Peek at the current permissions: