On 19/01/12 11:55, brian d foy wrote:
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In article<201201172030.q0hku7cx019...@pause.fiz-chemie.de>, "Perl
Authors Upload Server"<upl...@pause.perl.org>  wrote:

The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

   modid:       CGI::Untaint::CSP
   DSLIP:       idpOg
   description: validate a state, county or province
   userid:      NHORNE (Nigel Horne)
Are people going to know what this module does by that name? Wouldn't
it be better as  *::StateCountyProvince or some whole word that stands
in for those?

I didn't use the full name because it seemed like a mouthful to type (and I'm lazy ;-) ) . However I have no strong objection, though 'CountyStateProvince' slips off my tongue better than 'StateCountyProvince', so I'd prefer that.


Nigel Horne. Arranger, Adjudicator, Band Trainer, Composer, Tutor, Typesetter.
NJH Music, ICQ#20252325, twitter: @nigelhorne
n...@bandsman.co.uk http://www.bandsman.co.uk

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