Hello all (again),

I think I may have made my first mistake by not suggesting a possible set
of names that I am considering in order to provide a place to start for
feedback from this distribution.

With regards to the Logging module idea below I am considering the
following names.  (Shiras is a species of Moose common in the western
United States.)


For the DateTime::Format mashup I am considering.


I would appreciate any feedback on the naming direction.

Best Regards,


On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 8:13 PM, Jed Lund <jandrewl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> As I am new to PAUSE and would like to avoid as many initial mistakes as
> possible.  I would like to request some help naming my first modules to
> load.
> I have two packages that I am working on.
> First is a Logging package.  I know that there are several good logging
> modules out there and I have used Log::Log4perl generally but over time I
> have developed an API for a logger Class built on Moose that consumes
> appender and formatter Roles.  I did see the port of Log4perl into a Moose
> Role but what I wanted to do includes splitting the input streams of logged
> data as well as the standard functionality already in the best logging
> modules.  Basically a bit more of an all purpose output handler with the
> ability to manage output, location, and formatting for a codeset without
> rewriting the code itself. I am not sure of the protocol here since I am
> going down a path that is already so well traveled.  Should I be looking
> for something in the ACME namespace, is there an appropriate (unused)
> corner of the Log:: namespace, or should I look elsewhere?  As it stands
> currently the API actually has 4 classes.  A master logging class, an
> appender class, a traffic direction class, and a test class (Built
> on Test::Builder::Module).
> Second, I regularly use three DateTime
> modules; DateTime::Format::Epoch, DateTime::Format::Excel,
> and DateTime::Format::DateManip and I have been working to bundle them into
> one Moose Class to manage my general purpose date handling.  (the logging
> package above is an example).  I have managed to wrestle them all together
> using MooseX::Types. Again as a new contributor there isn't anything
> revolutionary here but I am wondering if they might find a home somewhere
> in the DateTime::Format:: namespace or if there is somewhere else that they
> should reside.
> Any assistance or suggestions that you could provide in suggesting names
> for these two packages would be greatly appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Jed

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