On 21 December 2011 20:06, Matt S Trout <m...@shadowcat.co.uk> wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 09:34:23PM +0000, Robbie Bow wrote:
> > Throw into the mix it's been out there for a while and is being used, and
> > we have the makings and a great Christmas pudding. Now where's that
> recipe
> > book?
> Your lack of forward planning is not my immediate problem.

Such verve, cadence, wit!

> > I'd be happy to rename it so long as the name captures it's role, which
> is,
> > to my mind, to do 99% of jobs that Text::CSV is used for. How about
> > Text::CSV::Easy? What I'd really like, however, is to pass ownership of
> it
> > to my new PAUSE ID "BABF" (which is in turn the real reason I wanted to
> > register the name).
> It won't hit 99% until I can tell it what the columns are myself for files
> without a header :)

Raise a request ;)

> Easy or Simple might be reasonable suffixes.
> Passing it to your new PAUSE id just requires going into the 'change
> permissions' screen and handing over primary maint. Module registration
> is a separate exercise.

I did that with all three of my modules and now that I check again, they
are all where I want them to be. However, metacpan doesn't appear to have
updated their ownership successfully, whereas search.cpan has. I shall
enquire with metacpan peeps further.

Thanks for your time

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