
I was actually able to get in touch with Francis back in the day, but this
was... I dunno, like two years ago, somewhere around there. He was more
than willing to give me co-maintainer rights, and said that he didnt work
with the module anymore. That was the last I've heard from him.

I actually had already tried to give Yanick rights to GnuPG (I'm actually
the one he was thinking of, who gave him rights to the other modules), but
found out that I didn't have the proper authority level for GnuPG itself.
He and I together attempted to contact Francis. This was some time ago
(month? Maybe more), and we've never heard back yet.

I think it's the right thing to do. GnuPG has been bounced around a few
times, as fresh people keep taking fresh interest in it. I'm glad to see
it's being kept alive, as it served me well during my time with it. I am
all for Yanick being given the requested rights.

Mark Frost

On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 1:15 AM, Steffen Mueller <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> On 11/18/2011 03:35 AM, Yanick Champoux wrote:
>> This is an humble request to get the maintainer bit on
>> Business::CanadaPost and GnuPG.
>> The first is owned by Justin Wheeler, and I would like to apply a patch
>> to the module to make it talk to the right server (the server changed
>> since the last release in 2005, and the module is useless without the
>> patch). Justin's CPAN email is no longer valid, and the domain itself
>> seems to be parked, without further information. I tried to find any
>> other sign of Justin elsewhere, but had no luck.
> I've given you co-maintenance permissions. Justin, if you object, just say
> so. This is reversible.
>  For GnuPG, the currently active co-maintainer (ROBBIEBOW if memory
>> serves me) already gave me the co-maintainership bit for all modules...
>> all except for GnuPG itself, as he's not the owner. We tried to ping
>> FRAJULAC, without luck. And again, my stalking skills failed me and I
>> wasn't able to find traces of him anywhere else.
> As far as I can see, the most recent authorized (or otherwise) release is
> from Mark Frost in 2010. This is the first hit on Mark,
> care do comment?
> Best regards,
> Steffen
> (for the PAUSE admins)

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