>>>>> On Fri, 14 Oct 2011 11:01:23 -0500, brian d foy <brian.d....@gmail.com> 
>>>>> said:

 bdf> [[ This message was both posted and mailed: see
 bdf>    the "To," "Cc," and "Newsgroups" headers for details. ]]

 bdf> In article <a8c91d63-fa5b-4c46-aa71-e74ef68af...@gmail.com>,
 bdf> Christopher Fields <cjfiel...@gmail.com> wrote:

 >> I have no idea why this is not being indexed; is it due to the module
 >> versions in the META.yml file?
 >> Copy of META.yml and error message here:
 >> https://gist.github.com/1284795
 >> I had this problem before with BioPerl-DB, it seems specific to the
 >> 'provides' section, which is being autogenerated via Module::Build and
 >> './Build dist'.   Maybe the 'version' = 0?

 bdf> Why are the module versions 0? That seems really odd. Is that the
 bdf> version in the module?

I find at least two bugs involved. One is that META.yml is lying: it
reports versions to be 0 even though the modules in that package all
assign no version at all. The second bug was in the indexer that did not
treat a version of zero as a proper version number.

I've fixed the bug in the indexer and now
CJFIELDS/BioPerl-Network-1.006901.tar.gz is indexed. I cannot guarantee
that this will work well for the enduser because endusers will have
modules without version numbers installed and they (or their software)
will possibly conclude that CPAN has indexed a different version than
what they have installed.

If I were a user I would probably report the missing versions as a bug
in the BioPerl-Network package.

All that said, thanks to Christopher for finding and reporting the bug
in the indexer. Would you fancy to bring the issue also to the attention
of the Module::Build people?

 bdf> What happens if they are not zero?

Now this would be boring, everything would simply work:)


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